♥ Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I've uprooted myself from blogger and moved to wordpress. Just changing around for fun. ha~
Bookmark me there! :D
Michy signing off… 5:06 PM
♥ Monday, March 09, 2009

Labels: shopping loots
Michy signing off… 12:35 PM
Feasting... LOL
I'm feasting every single meal with them.
Lunch (3pax)
10 Xiao Long Bao
2 Popiah
Orh Luak
Bak Kut Teh for 3
Supper (4pax)
Orh Luak
Carrot Cake
Dinner (6pax)
Chicken + roast pork + rice for 6
Orh Luak
Kambeng Soup
2 Popiah
Kuay Chap liao
Meatball soup
oh dear... How to maintain my small small tummy like dat...
*ZHUP!**TSORCH*I'm not complainin about food though.. haha~ :P
Labels: food, random crappy post
Michy signing off… 12:28 PM
♥ Monday, March 02, 2009
Out of shape...

Of all days... someone had to hit my car on the day before my exams.
Of all days... i have to get everything settled within 24hrs.
Of all days... i'm having my exams tomorrow.
Argh... need to run to the workshop tomorrow.
Tat leaves me with one day less to study for my exams.
But still, Thank God the driver left his contact.
If not it'll be a hit and run case and i have to claim my own insurance. *bleah*
What a day... :/
updated:3/3/2009 12.21pmXiao zi in hospital. Estimated stay ~2-3 days.
Knock out dent and respray front bumper and left fender.
7/3/2009 4.30pmXiao zi out of hospital~ Looking chio chio again. :D
Labels: random thots
Michy signing off… 9:27 PM
♥ Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Last weekend @ ubin~
The first thing i saw when i stepped into the

Haa.. guess i wont be missing my little Twinkle very much for the day.

Me and Jas wore the same tee!~ haha~ BE KIND TO ANIMALS!~
Wasted no time n headed to rent bicycles for the day.
Cycled up and down the dirt track..
And i suggested a gp shadow shot.. hee.. The sun was amazingly GOOD that day. Thank God for that, as it was raining heavily when we drove past PIE towards the jetty.

ha.. we TRIED to form a word here.. can tell?
A-N-I-M-A-L-S... give credits to Matt for making the gorgeous 'S' sign.. ha~
Good idea aint it.. My idea hor!~ hehehehe~
And made our way down the boardwalk, right into the sandy shores! It was low-tide so we managed to hop around the lagoon and take picy~

Balance! Shooting the star-fish in the shallow waters..

No star-fishy are harmed in this shooting. Returned immediately into the waters.

Headed back to chalet when it's closed to 6+.. Ta pao-ed dinner and feasted together. There after, GAMES time. My fave.. Heart Attack! and 007 and Murderer game.
What's games without forfeits??

Yeah.. Cucumber forfeit.
Me - 2pcs
Jas - 7pcs
*POWER SIA*Nena - 1pc
Matt - 4pcs
BH - 3 pcs
Marcus - 2 pc
Andrew - 1 pc... *bleah* hate cucumbers....
Den we played with sparklers!!!~ Hee... my first time playing sparklers too~ hee~
Huat ah~


And of course
Ran out of sparklers.. So we played with our torchlights instead... hee
Cool animation ah? haha.. The power of a
and our obsession with ANIMALS continued~

Writing with our torchlights... hee~
We all had one attempt to write "ANIMALS" and i think i did a pretty neat job.. hee~ Remember that we have to write the words INVERTED!! Mine was underlined with a wavy line somemore. Some copycat did the same thing too~ haha
Think it was probably abt 2+am.. and i ate cup noodles.. giggled in the bed with the gers.. watch a bit of "xiao qian" on telly, before falling aslp. The guys woke me up...
Just in time to take this shot.
The moment just before day-break...

The chalet had a sea-view and we managed to capture the beautiful sunrise... :)
Waited for a couple of minutes before...

Totally chui-mode in the wee-early morning... Us just nua-ing outside the chalet...

After which.. we returned the bikes.. had hotdog-sardine-bread breakfast... and headed home...

Well, we had lotsa fun.. haha~

I wanna come back again! To climb the quarry and just a nice overview of the island.... :D
Albums all up on fb: *click on the links below*
Light Streak FUN @ Ubin (II)
Labels: Canon 450D, Canon Team, outing, Ubin
Michy signing off… 10:15 AM
♥ Thursday, February 19, 2009
Movie Reviews
Been a LLLLLOOOONNNNNGGGG time since i watched any movie..
Den, i watched 3 in the last 2 wks-span. ha~
The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonNovel idea of a man being born old and becomes young as time passes by. How an "old" man picks up on learning on various things, how many assumes him to be old and wise and perhaps have a whole bunch of life-experiences but he was just a teenager at heart. But a tad draggy for me. The plot picks up slight towards the end. The ending is interesting in its way, how his life-companion cares so much for him as he turns into a child with no memories of them together.
Tad draggy but leaves a poignant after-taste. Brad Pitt is an added eye-candy to watch but he really CANNOT act. ha.
3.5/5 pawprints~ :)
The ReaderIt's about an illicit affair that begun between a mature lady and a teenager. Just weird to see a boy with someone of age that can become his mother. The lady disappears after 1 summer together. She reappears 8 yrs after, being judged in a Nazi-camp trial. Boy turns into a lawyer and saw her in court. Many struggles observed on both parties. How the lady refuses to admit that she's illiterate and thus gets a life-sentence into prison. The man who knows, did not openly declare that fact. Saving her pride? or Leading her to getting a life-sentence. Which is better-worst? The man den spends the entire life, recording stories on tape for her. But refuses to reply to any of her one-liner letter. Does he want to get involved in her life or not? I do not know what to think about this story. Cause it's just like ...
Entriging movie.
3.5/5 pawprints :)
Underworld: Rise Of The LycansLast movie is watched! Not a dull moment. ha~
Wolf-man of lower status than vamps and he falls for forbidden princess of vamps. Star-crossed lovers doomed for eternity. Princess punished to death by own dad, Lord of vamps. Wolf-man angry... tears down vamp estate. Main focus on the discrimination between the werewolfs and vampires.
simple review cause it's a straight-forward-watch-action kinda movie. ha..
Fun to watch.
4/5 pawprints~
p.s the weekend is coming!!~ :):):)
Labels: movie
Michy signing off… 12:10 PM
♥ Friday, February 06, 2009
What a world we live in.
Was just chatting with my 2 girlies. About our mentality on studying.
Are we too slack in our studies?Is that a good thing or bad thing?We talked about the comparison between
2 distinct different kind of ppl.
Her friends VS
me. HA!
Me = lazy, slacker, do things last min, study for exams 2 days before hand, anyhow do reports
Her friends = Hardworking, piah all the way, study for exams 1 mth in advance, do all reports diligently, stay up to 12mn to finish up the reports, call each other to discuss abt stuff.
I've never been the elite portion of anything.
I'm rather flippant about my education.
Pass can liao. No need distinction or wadsoever. Just gimme a credit pass, a scrape-thru result and i'm happy. Certainly i won't mind a distinction from time to time though. I do study when i know there's a need to. But i'm never the type who does her stuff on the ball. I need that sense of urgency, the lack of time, to push myself to grab that book and STUDY.
I'm not someone that strives to be a high-distinction achiever.
I'm not someone that wans to do her doctorate. At the end of it all, just gimme my cert and i feel that that's enough for my future. No more studying stuff which i loathe.
I'm lazy like nobody's business. I'm terrible in subjects that i hate
(mainly chemistry for now). Honestly i don't feel that it's a bad thing. I don't want to be a paper-chaser, neither do i wan to be one. I don't want to put studies ahead of what i have in life. I know that i can never achieve a doctorate or anything to that extend. I just wanna live life as it is.
Having fun, Serving God, being in the presence of friends, living life to the fullest at this present time. I guess that's wad heaven would be like huh.. :)
I still have 8 more mths till this nightmare ends...... bleahLabels: random crappy post
Michy signing off… 4:00 PM
♥ Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Happy Ox YEAR~

My year has come and gone...
My little tikus
Anyhow, New Year has been fun.
Reunion dine at my place. Last year we had a new addition
(BB Juston) and for this year we have 1 more new addition..
TWINKLE Lee! ha.. See she's in the family portrait. :P

That's us in our lok-kok home clothes.. Just after the whole makan session. hee~
The next day is
"pai nian day!" CHU-YI!!
My visiting day. The driver of the year again. ha~ We managed to cover the few regular-chu-yi houses. Somehow it feels like there are lesser and lesser houses to go to as the years go by.
My get-up:Rose-printed Tunic
Grey Cardigan
Quilted Belt
Black Leggings
Marc Ecko super-bling Watch
Red Clutch
Red Pumps
On the contrary to most ppl, i
enjoy CNY visitings~
I like traveling around with my family together for an entire day. Seriously, how often does one do that? To dress up and move around as a family. Of course, the ang paos are added bonus. And compliments of me being
slimmer, prettier... That helps in many ways~ ;p
The weirdest thing is that i don't get to see most of my cousins...
Some married (disappear...)
Some overseas (in rome and US)
Some in SG but we just dont meet
(hmm....?)So my visits are mainly to see the old folks and just chitchat with them. Let them tell their story, hear my mom sharing stories of my dad being admitted. Everything is on a play-back mode.
So far, it's been fun!
Tired out with the
Sentosa Flower Fest... on Twinkle's 1st Birthday.
Sentosa Flower Fest PhotosSentosa Flower Fest (II)The sun was BRIGHT and shining~ Super hot day, perfect for a flower photoshoot.
Perfect day out for the 2 little doggies. Thank God Nena brought her stroller.. hee~ So my monkey can hitch a ride, whilst i happily walk away to
snap snap snap!~ My silly monkey was on the look-out for me all the time. hee. I love the way she sticks close to me. :P

We had yummy hotdogs at the underwater world. Hee. Lotsa exercise in exchange for that. No group shot that day cos noone carried out the HEAVIEST of heavy tripod. We were too shagged out by the end of the walk. Sometimes i truely wish that the day can go on and on and we can just continue to have fun and joke around. Teasing and disturbing each other. Guess we are somewhat of the same frequency. LOL.
Spent late-nights at friends places...
Entitlements of Chinese New Year. Since i know nuts about MJ, i just watch the teevee and nua at the place. HA. Tried my hand at guitar and managed the front portion of one song. teehee~
Many random stuff happening, We went T3 for photoshootin..
Decided to theme some of my shots as abstract.
Really random-ness shots
And of course,
the happy-folks-i'm-with shots

My jelly beans!! <3 the array of colours!~
Most exciting stuff coming up my way. And i'm excited like a little bunny!
Labels: happy thots, outing, photo post
Michy signing off… 3:30 PM
♥ Saturday, January 31, 2009
I'm just plain lazy.
Will be back when i get back my typing-mood. ha~
btw, Happy Lunar New Year!~
Michy signing off… 2:17 PM
♥ Saturday, January 17, 2009
What have i been busy with...
it would be my darling Canon...
I managed to convince my friends into getting DSLR as well.. So we are pretty much "The Canon gang~" And not wanting our passion for this expensive hobby die down. We went shooting pretty much weekly.
And i must say that practise makes perfect. There's a vast difference in the photos we took initially and now...
First Night shooting at Jurong LakeNight shooting at Merlion and Esplanade (Havent put up yet.. ha~)
Countdown Fireworks ShootingLabrador Park Shooting (I)
Labrador Park Shooting (II)Labrador Park Shooting + Mount Faber Night Shooting (III)Botanic Gardens with my lensbaby 2.0 (I)Botanic Gardens with my lensbaby 2.0 (II)Marine Barrage Nite Shots (Also not up yet)
And also my Cameron trip!~
Part IPart II
All photos are up.. so enjoy ya? :D
Been playing so much that I couldn't quieten down and start studying for my exams. To make matters worse, my dad was admitted last Saturday. Nothing too big happened, except that we got such a BIG scare fr the GP who suspected kidney problems. Thank God his kidneys are working fine. My papa was discharged on the Tuesday... He just needs to head back for a scope on Monday. Needing lotsa prayers for him. :)
All that hustling here and there made me even more tired to concentrate. The exam seems doable. I know i missed out quite a bit for the essay questions. =/ Anyhow, it's over and my BIGGER nightmare has yet to come.
CHEMISTRY again... All i have would be chemistry for the next 8 weeks. *sob sob*
i have to reiterate that i HATE chemistry. Hate... like Hate to the max. It's sucky that i can't choose my own modules. I rather do like forensic sciences or something else. Oh well~ another 9 more mths!! And that's hopefully the end of all my sufferings. *bleah*
Going shopping later, after school, for my new year clothes. I'm SUPER last min lah.
All i have is a pair of red pumps ready.. Chio?? hee~ Need to find stuff to match it..
And i'm going shooting tmr again~ yipee~
Labels: Canon 450D, pictures
Michy signing off… 11:29 AM
♥ Monday, January 05, 2009
I've been so caught up with so many things!
The last days of 2008 seems such a BLUR. Everything just zoomed past me.
I have TONNES of photos to share.. ha.. but cant find the time to blog abt them.
I need to find more time!! hee~
Just one for the moment.
My fave shot of the fireworks i took during the Countdown. :D

Happy New Year Peeps~
Blessed New Year to one and all...
Labels: pictures
Michy signing off… 11:43 AM
♥ Saturday, December 27, 2008
~ Happy Birthday to me... ~
My first bday out of town...
I think i should be happily eating strawberries in Cameron right now. ha~
Thanks for the surprise celebration for me.
Very very very pleasant surprise.
Thank you for remembering.
Labels: birthdays
Michy signing off… 7:10 AM
♥ Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Day..
A time for food and laughter.
Let's not forget why we are celebrating Christmas.
Happy Birthday Jesus. :)
Labels: random thots
Michy signing off… 5:05 PM
♥ Thursday, December 18, 2008
I've deleted my previous entry.
That's a really personal letter, i guess.
Somehow, I will find the strength to move on.
Somehow, in the deepest of me, I know that this all will pass.
And i'm so waiting for that moment.
Michy signing off… 11:39 AM
♥ Monday, December 15, 2008
Nena Birthday Celebration...
Delayed post as i was waitin for the pics to come up:
Happy sweet 20th, dearie~Second year celebrating with her~
was an impromptu thing, as i didnt really wanted to go as I usually don't spend late nights out on weekday nights.
But it turned out to be quite fun with good company.
Some Fun Pictures we took...
"Pics koped from jas's FB so credits to her~"I've just visited HK cause this is at Hong Kong street! I didnt know it exist in SG. ha~
Ignore the calefare in the pic.

Group Shot!

Stupid hand..

There.. nice one..

This is a quite a weird-funny shot. ha~

Me and LiJuan~

The girlies..

so serious ah...

Final out-of-focus-shot before we KO-ed home..

AND i drove Andrew's car back! hehe~
manual car.
Dun play play hor.For someone like me who is used to driving a auto car for 2 yrs.. hee~ Quite stupid la, cause i couldnt depress the clutch fully as i didn't adjust the seat. crap.. the whole time i was like so uncomfortable driving. PUI~
Very jerky ride. muahaha~ But good thing, the traffic was light.
I drove rather slowly home. ha!
I'm quite
*proud* of myself. wahaha! =p
Guess i havent lost my touch.
p.s no i did not drink. That's why i became the driver.
Labels: birthdays, photo post
Michy signing off… 11:30 AM